Course SR-02 | Integrate Darnaway
Tree Marker Training for Timber Quality and Biodiversity Values
A pioneering forestry education project gains support from Vastern Timber’s 1% Woodland Tax Fund.
Sustainable forest management in Britain must balance environmental, economic and social values. Increasingly foresters must integrate many factors to maintain timber production while preserving the ecosystem functions within individual forest stands. One of the best approaches to emerge that delivers this balance is called Continuous Cover Forestry (CCF). This involves decisions at the individual tree level. The selection of trees to retain and trees to remove at each management intervention is called “tree marking” and is a key skill in the training and development of foresters. It is through tree marking that foresters can link their planning and design work with action that brings about change in the forest.
The Marteloscope Concept
The INTEGRATE DARNAWAY Project involves setting up two large (1 ha) training plots, called Marteloscopes. These plots will be known as Darnaway 1 and Darnaway 2, and they will be selected to represent different forest stand types and species compositions. Trees in each plot will be mapped and scored in great detail for timber quality and biodiversity values. Data will be uploaded to the project server for formatting and analysis, then downloaded onto tablet computers using bespoke “I+ software”. Students will learn how to manage woodland through virtual selection of trees to thin out and achieve a variety of objectives. The challenge might be to maximise the biodiversity of the site, it may be to provide a sustainable supply of high quality timber, or a blend of these objectives and more. Results from training exercises will provide a foundation for group discussions and shared learning.
Darnaway Forest
Darnaway Forest in Moray, Scotland has a long history as a centre for forestry education. It has a mix of ancient woodland and long established plantations that provides complexity and a variety of woodland types. For decades many hundreds of forestry undergraduates from Aberdeen, Bangor and other universities visited the forest to prepare woodland management plans. Every year forestry students from the Scottish School of Forestry (University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI)) attend field visits within the forest to learn about applied silviculture.
The Project
The INTEGRATE DARNAWAY project brings leading edge innovations in forestry education. Marteloscopes are great places to test out ideas and discuss forest management and silviculture. They are a fantastic tool for “learning by doing”. They can be a venue to really hone the skills of practising foresters and places to introduce silvicultural concepts to non-foresters. The need to recruit new foresters for the future is a more recent challenge. So the project recognises the value of a training area to enthuse and spark an interest in silviculture and forestry management starting from school aged students to those in their early forestry careers and beyond.
Project Planning
A steering committee has been formed to deliver the project. This includes Moray Estates, Silviculture Research, Scottish School of Forestry (UHI), European Forest Institute (EFI), Sylvatic and BE-ST. The marteloscopes will be established using a protocol and “I+ software” developed by EFI. The marteloscopes will be set up in the first half of 2023, with students being trained to assist with the initial fieldwork. A “train the trainers” event will follow. Formal training events will be launched from early summer 2023. The INTEGRATE DARNAWAY marteloscopes will be the first of their kind in the UK and will form part of the Europe-wide Integrate Network of marteloscopes. Financial support from Vastern Timber through their 1% Woodland Tax Fund is greatly appreciated and has made it possible for us to initiate this pioneering skills and education project. Further support is being sought to fully develop the project, learning resources and to deliver individual training events.
Project Development
Updates and information about forthcoming training events will be posted in early 2025.
Funding and Support
We are most grateful to Vastern Timber Ltd for funding and support.
The project is forestry education initiative of Moray Estates.
Further Reading
- Darnaway Forest –
- Silviculture Research –
- Scottish School of Forestry (UHI) –
- Integrate Network (facilitated by EFI) –
- BE-ST –