
Ancient woodland in Cumbria, England. Photo: E. R. Wilson 2012.

A selection of links to other organisations, news and sources of information relating to forestry and silviculture:

Biology and Silvics of Tree Species

  • European Atlas of Forest Tree Species
    Full citation: San-Miguel-Ayanz, J., de Rigo, D., Caudullo, G., Houston Durrant, T., Mauri, A. (Eds.), 2016. European Atlas of Forest Tree Species. Publication Office of the European Union, Luxembourg. Link here.
European Atlas of Forest Tree Species
External Link to EU Forest
  • Silvics of North America 
    Full citation: Burns, Russell M., and Barbara H. Honkala, (tech. coords.) 1990. Silvics of North America: 1. Conifers; 2. Hardwoods. Agriculture Handbook 654. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Washington, DC. vol.2, 877 p. Link here.

Silvics of North America
Volume 1 – CONIFERS
External Link to USDA

Silvics of North America
Volume 2 – HARDWOODS
External Link to USDA

  • Forest Research Tree Species and Provenance Database. Link here.
    Information on over 60 tree species that are either widely grown in British forests at the present time or which could play an increasing role in the future, focusing on those species which could be expected to produce usable timber in British conditions.
  • SilviFutures – Link here.
    SilviFuture is a network established to promote and share knowledge about novel forest species across Britain. It is a tool for forest owners, managers and those with an interest in timber. The online database includes information on a number of “alternative” and “novel” species that previously were only considered of minor importance. Given the need to diversify the forest estate, to enhance ecological resilience, many of these species may play a more important role in the future. The database is based on material produced by Forest Research on species characteristics and provenance selection.
  • Native Woodland Survey of Scotland (NWSS)
    Link to resources page, mapping and report here.
  • Wood Anatomy
    Microscopic wood anatomy of central European species. Identify species with online 
    high resolution cross- and length (axial) sections from trunks and twigs. URL:

Software for Forestry Studies

  • US Forest Service – Tools and Applications. Link here
  • US Forest Service – Stand Visualization System (SVS). Link here.
    • SVS Manual. Link here.    
  • US Forest Service – Forest Vegetation Simlulator (FVS). Link here

Forestry Image Galleries

  • Forestry Images – online image archive of US Forest Service. Link here



Links to the events pages for the main forestry organisations in Ireland:


Links to the events pages for the main forestry organisations in the UK:


Links to the events pages for the main forestry organisations in the EU:

Media Links

A round-up of recent News and Issues related to Forests and Forestry:


Irish Forestry – Useful Links

UK Forestry – Useful Links

Forestry Agencies (UK)

European Forestry

Silviculture – Selected Links

Continuous Cover Forestry

Research Organisations and Institutes

NGO Organisations

Professional Organisations

International Organisations

Funding Organisations

Online Forestry Books and Publications

Other Interesting Links to Forestry, Design and Sector Organisations