Edward (Ted) Wilson is a silviculturist who specialises in the sustainability, resilience and conservation of temperate and boreal forests.
Ted enjoys a multi-faceted career as a public policy adviser, researcher, practitioner and educator. He has worked in Canada, the UK and Ireland for over 35 years, and delivered projects in more than 15 countries. He has held posts with the Canadian Forest Service, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, UK Forestry Commission and the Royal Forestry Society. In 2012 he was Visiting Scholar at the Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management, University of New Brunswick, Canada.
Ted’s research interests are in the areas of tree biology, woodland establishment and silvicultural systems, especially continuous cover forestry (CCF). His current focus is the transformation of even-aged plantations to irregular structure forests. Recent projects have included research on seedling quality enhancement and species diversification to promote the ecological resilience of woodlands. In addition, he undertakes research on professional forestry education and the benefits of woodland for public health.
Knowledge mobilisation has always been an important element of Ted’s professional practice. He has organised national and international conferences, workshops, open days and training programmes for government, non-government and professional organisations. Currently, he is delivering workshops and courses in CCF, including 2- and 3-day training in silvicultural tree marking and biodiversity management in a range of woodland types.
Prof Edward (Ted) Wilson MSIF FRSB
Phone: +353 85 806 3354 (IRL)
Phone: +44 7597 007599 (UK)
Skype: erwilson1
Linked In: edwardwilson1
ResearchGate: Edward-Wilson-9
Google Scholar: Edward R. Wilson
ORCID: 0000-0003-2711-0640
Toronto: Staff Profile
Teagasc: Staff Profile
Current and Recent Appointments
- Adjunct Professor of Silviculture, Institute of Forestry and Conservation, John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design and Graduate Department of Forestry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada [2014-]
- Honorary Lecturer, School of GeoSciences, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland [2024-]
- Lecturer, Environment and Countryside Programme, Scotland’s Rural University College (SRUC), Edinburgh, Scotland [2023-2024, part-time]
- Walsh Fellow in Silviculture, School of Agriculture and Food Science, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin, Ireland and Teagasc Forestry Development Department, Ashtown, Dublin, Ireland [2017-2022]
Awards and Recognition
- Highly Commended, Scottish Forestry Journal Awards, Royal Scottish Forestry Society (co-authors: R. Wirz and L. Byrne) Link to paper here.
- Finalist (Runner Up), Walsh Scholar of the Year, Crops, Environment and Land Use Programme, Teagasc
- Gold Medal, Canadian Institute of Forestry
- James Prize, Royal Forestry Society (co-author: J. R. Clark) Link to paper here.
- Teaching Innovation Award (x2), University of Central Lancashire, England, UK
- Carnegie Scholarship, Carnegie Trust, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
- NSERC Scholarship, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Canada
Professional Memberships
- Royal Society of Biology (Fellow, FRSB; elected 2016)
- Society of Irish Foresters (Technical Member, MSIF; since 2017)
- Confederation of Forest Industries [UK]
- Canadian Institute of Forestry
- Association of Applied Biologists
- Founding Member, Tree and Forest Ecology Specialist Group
- Pro Silva Ireland
- Continuous Cover Forestry Group
- Royal Scottish Forestry Society
- Royal Forestry Society (Corporate Member)
- Irish Ecological Association
- British Ecological Society
- IUFRO – International Union of Forest Research Organisations.
Service and Leadership | selected roles
- Member, Forest Policy Group (2023-)
- External Member (Subject Specialist), Re-validation Panel, BSc (Hons) degree programme, Scottish School of Forestry, University of the Highlands and Islands, Inverness, Scotland (2024)
- External Member (Subject Specialist), Re-validation Panel, BSc (Hons) and MSc Forestry Programmes, School of Environmental and Natural Sciences, Bangor University (2023)
- Session Chair and Member, Conference Committee, “Creating Canopies: the biology and practice of establishing trees and woodlands for people and nature“, Applied Tree and Forest Biology Group, Association of Applied Biologists, UK (2023)
- External Panel Member, Validation Committee for BSc (Hons) Forestry & Conservation Programmes, University of Cumbria, UK (2019)
- Judge, Education and Learning Award, Excellence in Forestry Awards, Royal Forestry Society (2016, 2017)
- Board Member and Scientific Advisor, Irregular Silviculture Network (ISN) (2016-2019)
- Member, Conservation Advisory Group, Woodland Trust (2016-2019)
- Judge, Tree of the Year Award (England), Woodland Trust (2015, 2016, 2017)
- Member, Education Advisory Group, Royal Forestry Society (2015-2017)
- Member, Forestry Skills Forum, England and Wales (2015-2017)
- Member, National Forestry Forum, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) (2015)
- Chair, National Conference, Continuous Cover Forestry: delivering sustainable and resilient forests in Britain, Continuous Cover Forestry Group (2014)
- Associate Editor, Forestry Chronicle, journal of the Canadian Institute of Forestry (2014-2017)
- Member, Working Group on Forests and Natura 2000, European Commission (2010-2012)
- Member, Forestry and Woodland Advisory Committee (North West England), Forestry Commission (2009-2017)
- International Editorial Board, Arboricultural Journal: International Journal of Urban Forestry, journal of the Arboricultural Association (2008-2019)
Peer Review
- Journals:
- Arboricultural Journal
- Forest Ecology and Management
- Forestry
- Forestry Chronicle
- Journal of Environmental Planning and Management
- Quarterly Journal of Forestry
- Publishers:
- Cambridge University Press | Life Sciences
- Routledge | Taylor and Francis | Environment and Sustainability
- Springer Nature | Managing Forest Ecosystems
Further Information
- Edward Wilson – Biographical Note | Not to be amended or altered
- Edward Wilson – My Cumbria | profile in Cumbria Life Magazine, June 2014